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  • 2nd floor Afriland First Bank building


CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker

CEHv10: Ethical Hacking Overview and Threats
CEHv10: Hacking Concepts
CEHv10: Security Controls
CEHv10: Security Controls Part 2
CEHv10: Pentesting, Laws, and Standards
CEHv10: Footprinting
CEHv10: Host Discovery and Scanning with Nmap
CEHv10: ProxyChains and Enumeration
CEHv10: Vulnerability Analysis Concepts and Tools
CEHv10: Password Attacks
CEHv10: Password Attacks Part 2

CEHv10: Privilege Escalation
CEHv10: Covert Data Gathering
CEHv10: Hidden Files and Covering Tracks
CEHv10: Malware Threats
CEHv10: Malware Distribution
CEHv10: Network Sniffing
CEHv10: Denial of Service
CEHv10: Session Hijacking
CEHv10: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
CEHv10: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Part 2
CEHv10: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Part 3
CEHv10: Hacking Web Servers
CEHv10: Common Web App Threats
CEHv10: Common Web App Threats Part 2
CEHv10: Practical Web App Hacking
CEHv10: SQL Injection
CEHv10: SQL Injection Types and Tools
CEHv10: Wireless Hacking Concepts
CEHv10: Wireless Hacking Tools

CEHv10: Wireless Hacking Common Threats
CEHv10: Cracking and Mobile Hacking
CEHv10: IoT Concepts
CEHv10: IoT Attacks
CEHv10: Clouding Computing Concepts
CEHv10: Cloud Computer Attacks
CEHv10: Cryptography Concepts
CEHv10: Cryptography Concepts Part 2
CEHv10: Cryptography Concepts Part 3
CEHv10: Cryptography Attacks
CEHv10: IoT Hacking and Countermeasures

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